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Pro-Mix BRK W/Mycorrhizae

Item No. 10201400
Peat/Bark Based PRO-MIX BRK MYCORRHIZAE is a Performance product enhanced with Mycorrhizae.This peat and bark based formula adds weight, reduces water retention and ensures optimal balance between air and water. It also resists to longterm compaction and improves container stability. INGREDIENTS:
Price $24.3
price per EACH
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Peat/Bark Based

PRO-MIX BRK MYCORRHIZAE is a Performance product enhanced with Mycorrhizae.This peat and bark based formula adds weight, reduces water retention and ensures optimal balance between air and water. It also resists to longterm compaction and improves container stability.


  • Canadian sphagnum peat moss (45-55%)
  • Processed pine bark
  • Perlite - horticultural grade
  • Dolomitic and Calcitic limestone (pH adjuster)
  • Wetting agent
  • MYCORRHIZAETM mycorrhizal inoculum (Glomus Intraradices)


2.8 Cu Ft
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Pro-Mix BRK W/Mycorrhizae

Item No. 10201400
Peat/Bark Based PRO-MIX BRK MYCORRHIZAE is a Performance product enhanced with Mycorrhizae.This peat and bark based formula adds weight, reduces water retention and ensures optimal balance between air and water. It also resists to longterm compaction and improves container stability. INGREDIENTS:
Price $24.3
price per EACH
Contact Us For Availability


Peat/Bark Based

PRO-MIX BRK MYCORRHIZAE is a Performance product enhanced with Mycorrhizae.This peat and bark based formula adds weight, reduces water retention and ensures optimal balance between air and water. It also resists to longterm compaction and improves container stability.


  • Canadian sphagnum peat moss (45-55%)
  • Processed pine bark
  • Perlite - horticultural grade
  • Dolomitic and Calcitic limestone (pH adjuster)
  • Wetting agent
  • MYCORRHIZAETM mycorrhizal inoculum (Glomus Intraradices)


2.8 Cu Ft
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