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Poly-Cel Bags

Item No. 14124800
Greenhouse Crops Stock plants: Geraniums, Poinsettias Perennials: Astilbe, Columbine, Coreopsis, Phlox, Primrose, Hosta  Ground Covers: Liriope, Pachysandra Outdoor Nursery: Shade House Tree and shrub liners, bare-root stock, perennials, ground covers, hardy mums and hundreds more Poly-Cel bags
Price $230
price per CASE
Low stock


Greenhouse Crops

  • Stock plants: Geraniums, Poinsettias
  • Perennials: Astilbe, Columbine, Coreopsis, Phlox, Primrose, Hosta 
  • Ground Covers: Liriope, Pachysandra

Outdoor Nursery: Shade House

  • Tree and shrub liners, bare-root stock, perennials, ground covers, hardy mums and hundreds more

Poly-Cel bags offer a high degree of product quality that meets or surpasses that of similar products. Available in many sizes, Poly-Cel bags provide a versatile and economical container style for short-term production for nurseries, tree farms, greenhouse crops and perennials. Poly-Cel bags require up to ten times less space to ship and store than rigid containers, and are packaged in conveniently-sized cartons. Poly-Cel bags are made of a tough, black, UV-resistant polyethylene with hermetically-sealed bottoms provided with drainholes.


3 Gallon
Additional Information:
Grow Bags

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Poly-Cel Bags

Item No. 14124800
Greenhouse Crops Stock plants: Geraniums, Poinsettias Perennials: Astilbe, Columbine, Coreopsis, Phlox, Primrose, Hosta  Ground Covers: Liriope, Pachysandra Outdoor Nursery: Shade House Tree and shrub liners, bare-root stock, perennials, ground covers, hardy mums and hundreds more Poly-Cel bags
Price $230
price per CASE
Low stock


Greenhouse Crops

  • Stock plants: Geraniums, Poinsettias
  • Perennials: Astilbe, Columbine, Coreopsis, Phlox, Primrose, Hosta 
  • Ground Covers: Liriope, Pachysandra

Outdoor Nursery: Shade House

  • Tree and shrub liners, bare-root stock, perennials, ground covers, hardy mums and hundreds more

Poly-Cel bags offer a high degree of product quality that meets or surpasses that of similar products. Available in many sizes, Poly-Cel bags provide a versatile and economical container style for short-term production for nurseries, tree farms, greenhouse crops and perennials. Poly-Cel bags require up to ten times less space to ship and store than rigid containers, and are packaged in conveniently-sized cartons. Poly-Cel bags are made of a tough, black, UV-resistant polyethylene with hermetically-sealed bottoms provided with drainholes.


3 Gallon
Additional Information:
Grow Bags

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