Pac O Ornamental Plant Growth Regulator
Item No. 03030300
Pac O Ornamental Growth Regulator Pac O is an extremely active plant growth regulator that can significantly curtail unwanted plant growth through reduced internode elongation. Chemical Family: Triazole Active Ingredient: Paclobutrazol MOA: 1 Labeled for use on: Ornamental plants grown in containers
Suggested Retail Price $180
Retail discount 10%
Price $162
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Pac O
Ornamental Growth Regulator
Pac O is an extremely active plant growth regulator that can significantly curtail unwanted plant growth through reduced internode elongation.Chemical Family: Triazole
Active Ingredient: Paclobutrazol
MOA: 1
Labeled for use on: Ornamental plants grown in containers in nurseries, greenhouses, shadehouses, and interiorscapes.
Labeled plants: Including but not limited to bedding plants, azaleas, flowering plants, plugs, liners, foliage plants, poinsettias, hibiscus, chrysanthemums, poinsettias and woody plants.
Application: Spray, drench, soak, media spray
Notes: Caution: reuse of pots, trays, or other containers that previously were used for crops treated with Pac O may affect growth of new plantings in such containers. See label for more information. Always read and follow label directions when using this product.
EPA No: 62097-11-59807
REI: 12 hours
Parts per Million (PPM): 1 to 30 Drench, 5 to 100 Spray
Measure per gallon: 1 PPM=1mL/gl; 5PPM=4.7 mL/gl; 30 PPM=1 fl oz/gl
Safety Data Sheet
Specimen Label
Product Information (PIB)
- Gallon
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Pac O Ornamental Plant Growth Regulator
Item No. 03030300
Pac O Ornamental Growth Regulator Pac O is an extremely active plant growth regulator that can significantly curtail unwanted plant growth through reduced internode elongation. Chemical Family: Triazole Active Ingredient: Paclobutrazol MOA: 1 Labeled for use on: Ornamental plants grown in containers
Suggested Retail Price $180
Retail discount 10%
Price $162
price per EACH
Low stock
Pac O
Ornamental Growth Regulator
Pac O is an extremely active plant growth regulator that can significantly curtail unwanted plant growth through reduced internode elongation.Chemical Family: Triazole
Active Ingredient: Paclobutrazol
MOA: 1
Labeled for use on: Ornamental plants grown in containers in nurseries, greenhouses, shadehouses, and interiorscapes.
Labeled plants: Including but not limited to bedding plants, azaleas, flowering plants, plugs, liners, foliage plants, poinsettias, hibiscus, chrysanthemums, poinsettias and woody plants.
Application: Spray, drench, soak, media spray
Notes: Caution: reuse of pots, trays, or other containers that previously were used for crops treated with Pac O may affect growth of new plantings in such containers. See label for more information. Always read and follow label directions when using this product.
EPA No: 62097-11-59807
REI: 12 hours
Parts per Million (PPM): 1 to 30 Drench, 5 to 100 Spray
Measure per gallon: 1 PPM=1mL/gl; 5PPM=4.7 mL/gl; 30 PPM=1 fl oz/gl
Safety Data Sheet
Specimen Label
Product Information (PIB)
- Gallon
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