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Osmocote Plus 15-9-12 (5-6 Month)

Item No. 07630700
Osmocote Plus 15-9-12 (5-6 Month) Recommended when growing a wide variety of plants. 100% resin-coated homogenous cores contain NPK plus essential micronutrients. Standard release pattern delivers a steady stream of nutrition throughout the growth cycle. Ideal for greenhouse and nursery container
Price $155
price per EACH
Low stock


Osmocote Plus 15-9-12 (5-6 Month)

Recommended when growing a wide variety of plants. 100% resin-coated homogenous cores contain NPK plus essential micronutrients. Standard release pattern delivers a steady stream of nutrition throughout the growth cycle.
  • Ideal for greenhouse and nursery container plants, foliage production and landscaping
  • Provides a safe and consistent source of nutrition throughout the season
  • ICL's Patterned Release Technology meets specific feeding cycles with unmatched consistency, efficiency and safety
  • Can be incorporated into growing media or surface applied in the container
  • Use alone or in combination with a water-soluble fertilizer
  • Safe for sensitive crops
  • Suitable for use with dibbling equipment
  • Verify product analysis, longevity and rate for plants in your production system
  • Consult rate tables printed on bag labels and product sheets
  • For incorporation, blend into growing media to ensure uniform distribution of cores
  • Do not over-mix (doing so could damage fertilizer coating)
  • Growing media should be used within two to four weeks after incorporating fertilizer
  • For top-dress applications, spread fertilizer evenly on container surface (avoid piling fertilizer directly against plant stem)
  • Irrigate after application (irrigation frequency and volume should be adjusted during the crop production cycle according to crop type, environmental conditions and desired soluble salt levels)
  • A product trial is recommended before adopting a new fertilizer program or making full-scale changes to standard cultural practices (test several rates on representative plant types)
  • Use caution when applying to plants being over-wintered under cover (if you can't monitor soluble salts and/or adjust irrigation practices, avoid Fall and Winter applications
  • Store in a clean, cool, dry place

Recommended Rates

Pounds per cubic yard5.51014.5
Kilograms per cubic meter3.35.98.6
Grams per liter3.35.98.6

Pounds per 1000 square feet13.020.026.5
Kilograms per 100 square meters6.39.812.9
Pounds of nitrogen per 1000 square feet2.03.04.0

Recommended rates are intended as a guideline only and may not be suitable for all regions and conditions. It is the responsibility of the grower to determine appropriate rates. Follow label instructions and use care when handling all fertilizer products.

Product Sheet


50 Lb

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Osmocote Plus 15-9-12 (5-6 Month)

Item No. 07630700
Osmocote Plus 15-9-12 (5-6 Month) Recommended when growing a wide variety of plants. 100% resin-coated homogenous cores contain NPK plus essential micronutrients. Standard release pattern delivers a steady stream of nutrition throughout the growth cycle. Ideal for greenhouse and nursery container
Price $155
price per EACH
Low stock


Osmocote Plus 15-9-12 (5-6 Month)

Recommended when growing a wide variety of plants. 100% resin-coated homogenous cores contain NPK plus essential micronutrients. Standard release pattern delivers a steady stream of nutrition throughout the growth cycle.
  • Ideal for greenhouse and nursery container plants, foliage production and landscaping
  • Provides a safe and consistent source of nutrition throughout the season
  • ICL's Patterned Release Technology meets specific feeding cycles with unmatched consistency, efficiency and safety
  • Can be incorporated into growing media or surface applied in the container
  • Use alone or in combination with a water-soluble fertilizer
  • Safe for sensitive crops
  • Suitable for use with dibbling equipment
  • Verify product analysis, longevity and rate for plants in your production system
  • Consult rate tables printed on bag labels and product sheets
  • For incorporation, blend into growing media to ensure uniform distribution of cores
  • Do not over-mix (doing so could damage fertilizer coating)
  • Growing media should be used within two to four weeks after incorporating fertilizer
  • For top-dress applications, spread fertilizer evenly on container surface (avoid piling fertilizer directly against plant stem)
  • Irrigate after application (irrigation frequency and volume should be adjusted during the crop production cycle according to crop type, environmental conditions and desired soluble salt levels)
  • A product trial is recommended before adopting a new fertilizer program or making full-scale changes to standard cultural practices (test several rates on representative plant types)
  • Use caution when applying to plants being over-wintered under cover (if you can't monitor soluble salts and/or adjust irrigation practices, avoid Fall and Winter applications
  • Store in a clean, cool, dry place

Recommended Rates

Pounds per cubic yard5.51014.5
Kilograms per cubic meter3.35.98.6
Grams per liter3.35.98.6

Pounds per 1000 square feet13.020.026.5
Kilograms per 100 square meters6.39.812.9
Pounds of nitrogen per 1000 square feet2.03.04.0

Recommended rates are intended as a guideline only and may not be suitable for all regions and conditions. It is the responsibility of the grower to determine appropriate rates. Follow label instructions and use care when handling all fertilizer products.

Product Sheet


50 Lb

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