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Topflor L

Item No. 03030500
Flurprimidol Group 2 Cell Elongation Inhibitor Description: Reduces internode elongation, enhances leaf and bloom color, higher chlorophyll content, thicker leaves and decreases water loss Mode of action: Acts as an inhibitor of enzymes catalyzing the steps in GA biosynthesis Labeled for: Nurseries,
Price $315.88
price per EACH
Low stock


Group 2 Cell Elongation Inhibitor
Description: Reduces internode elongation, enhances leaf and bloom color, higher chlorophyll content, thicker leaves and decreases water loss
Mode of action: Acts as an inhibitor
of enzymes catalyzing the steps in
GA biosynthesis
Labeled for: Nurseries, greenhouses and shade houses
Benefits: Unique activity range allows
poinsettia growers to control aggressive
to slower growing varieties
Methods: Spray, drench and chemigation; absorbed through foliage, stems and roots
Plants: Poinsettias, bedding plants, plugs, bulbs, foliage, perennials and woodies
Precautions: Cultivars, varieties, environmental conditions and cultural practices influence efficacy; Signal word: Danger
EPA No: 67690-20; REI: 12 hours
Rate: 0.02-6.46 fl oz per gallon


2 Liter

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Topflor L

Item No. 03030500
Flurprimidol Group 2 Cell Elongation Inhibitor Description: Reduces internode elongation, enhances leaf and bloom color, higher chlorophyll content, thicker leaves and decreases water loss Mode of action: Acts as an inhibitor of enzymes catalyzing the steps in GA biosynthesis Labeled for: Nurseries,
Price $315.88
price per EACH
Low stock


Group 2 Cell Elongation Inhibitor
Description: Reduces internode elongation, enhances leaf and bloom color, higher chlorophyll content, thicker leaves and decreases water loss
Mode of action: Acts as an inhibitor
of enzymes catalyzing the steps in
GA biosynthesis
Labeled for: Nurseries, greenhouses and shade houses
Benefits: Unique activity range allows
poinsettia growers to control aggressive
to slower growing varieties
Methods: Spray, drench and chemigation; absorbed through foliage, stems and roots
Plants: Poinsettias, bedding plants, plugs, bulbs, foliage, perennials and woodies
Precautions: Cultivars, varieties, environmental conditions and cultural practices influence efficacy; Signal word: Danger
EPA No: 67690-20; REI: 12 hours
Rate: 0.02-6.46 fl oz per gallon


2 Liter

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