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Subdue GR

Item No. 02136800
Mefenoxam  Metalaxyl-M 22%  Group 4  Acylalanines Description: Systemic fungicide for control of certain oomycete (water mold) diseases Mode of action: Inhibits RNA synthesis Labeled for: Greenhouses, nurseries, turf, trees, landscapes and interiorscapes Diseases: Collar, crownrot, damping off,
Suggested Retail Price $180
Retail discount 10%
Price $162
price per EACH
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Mefenoxam  Metalaxyl-M 22%
 Group 4  Acylalanines

  • Description: Systemic fungicide for control of certain oomycete (water mold) diseases
  • Mode of action: Inhibits RNA synthesis
  • Labeled for: Greenhouses, nurseries, turf, trees, landscapes and interiorscapes
  • Diseases: Collar, crownrot, damping off, phytophthora, pythium, yellow tuft, root and stem rot
  • Crops: Ornamentals, non-bearing citrus, nuts, fruits, conifers and turf
  • Benefits: Labeled for phytophthora ramorum
  • Precautions: Rotate classes
  • Signal word: Caution; EPA No: (MAXX) 100-796; (GR) 100-794
  • Rate: (GR) 8-75 oz per 1,000 sq ft; (MAXX drench rate) 0.125-0.25 oz per 100 gallons
  • REI: Zero with soil injection, incorporation, or drench; 48 hours for foliar
  • EIQ: 19


25 Lb
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Subdue GR

Item No. 02136800
Mefenoxam  Metalaxyl-M 22%  Group 4  Acylalanines Description: Systemic fungicide for control of certain oomycete (water mold) diseases Mode of action: Inhibits RNA synthesis Labeled for: Greenhouses, nurseries, turf, trees, landscapes and interiorscapes Diseases: Collar, crownrot, damping off,
Suggested Retail Price $180
Retail discount 10%
Price $162
price per EACH
Contact Us For Availability


Mefenoxam  Metalaxyl-M 22%
 Group 4  Acylalanines

  • Description: Systemic fungicide for control of certain oomycete (water mold) diseases
  • Mode of action: Inhibits RNA synthesis
  • Labeled for: Greenhouses, nurseries, turf, trees, landscapes and interiorscapes
  • Diseases: Collar, crownrot, damping off, phytophthora, pythium, yellow tuft, root and stem rot
  • Crops: Ornamentals, non-bearing citrus, nuts, fruits, conifers and turf
  • Benefits: Labeled for phytophthora ramorum
  • Precautions: Rotate classes
  • Signal word: Caution; EPA No: (MAXX) 100-796; (GR) 100-794
  • Rate: (GR) 8-75 oz per 1,000 sq ft; (MAXX drench rate) 0.125-0.25 oz per 100 gallons
  • REI: Zero with soil injection, incorporation, or drench; 48 hours for foliar
  • EIQ: 19


25 Lb
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